What came first-the chicken or the egg?

In Timothy’s case it was the chicken.  A few years ago, he ate everything.  I mean everything.  When the changes started happening to him,  it was back to square one.  Autism has taken so much from him.  From us.  I try to be upbeat and positive for the most part but I am still angry.  I hope that someday I can let go of all that.

So continuing on with his story, I left off finding our number one.  M, our daycare provider.  Challenging as it was to get Mr Tim on a new schedule, things began to look up.  I started taking classes at Laurier to build towards my degree.  It felt good to have this bit of freedom and to know that my son was in a safe place where he was being cared for.  I was also able to start working more now that we had reliable care.  Financially things got better slowly.  Timothy still had weekly appointments and therapy-sometimes 3x per week.  It was hectic to say the least.  Hope fuelled me to keep going.  T’s caseworker encouraged me to get connected with the Brantford Autism support group and get it going again.  But I wasn’t ready.  I would break down and cry just thinking about it.  I was still mourning. 

Some fabulous news came in January 2012!  I got a full time nursing job at my hospital.  We began to prepare to enter Timothy in JK.  Meetings meetings and more meetings.  He had to be “presented” to the school board.  Holy nerves.  He was set to enter school in September of 2012.  And he did.  It went off without a hitch!  (well a few small hiccups but nothing major)

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Holy crapola!  I felt like I was on vacation having all three kids in school.  It was pure unadulterated bliss.  Of course the therapy appointments and groups and now school board nonsense still continued.  The best part?  He LOVED it.  Timothy loved school and loved the bus and every part of it.  I did worry about what to put in his lunches.  I mean, its not like he ate sandwiches and granola bars?  The first week, I sent popcorn, apple juice and a package of oatmeal.  However, I was informed that the school would not be using the microwave, etc for his lunches.  Now what?  It didn’t really matter because he wouldn’t eat at school for a long time.  I mean months.  He would fast from morning until after school and then dash into the kitchen and rummage through the cupboards like a hungry squirrel.

This food thing, it aint new!

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